Wednesday, April 18, 2007

On the Matter of Perspective

“Suggest away, Garion. Right now, I’ll listen to anything.” He (Zakath) looked reprovingly at the black and white kitten who was biting his knuckles again. “Not so hard,” he murmured, tapping the ferocious little beast on the nose with his forefinger.
The kitten laid back its ears and growled a squeaky little growl at him.
“I’m not trying to be offensive or anything,” Garion began cautiously, “but I think you’re making the same mistake that Urgit made.”
“That’s an interesting observation. Go on.”
“It seems to me that you need to reorganize your government. “
Zakath blinked. “Now, that is a major proposal,” he said…
“You’re trying to make all the decisions yourselves—even the little ones…you won’t find enough hours in the day to do that.”
“So I’ve noticed. What’s the solution?”
“Delegate responsibility…” Garion told him…
“That’s not the Angarak way, Garion…”
“You’re the most stubborn man I’ve ever met,” Garion said with some heat…
“I’m sorry, Garion…I like you, Garion, but I don’t altogether trust you.”
Garion’s temper began to heat up. He thrust his jaw pugnaciously as he rose to his feet. “My patience is starting to wear a little thin, Zakath. I’ve tried to keep things between us more or less civil, but there is a limit, and we’re getting rather close to it...”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Zakath snapped, also rising to his feet and unceremoniously dumping the surprised kitten to the floor.

And now for my version of the story--see if you can guess whose point it's from.

I yawned. I couldn’t believe those two-leggers could talk of such absolutely, fascinatingly boring things! Who cared if the melancholy two-legger was doing something wrong? So what else was new, he was always doing something wrong. Who cared if he should change? Who cared if he was the most stubborn man the other one had ever known? Well, duh! I was so exasperated and bored with them both that I started gnawing on the melancholy one’s knuckle. Not that I had any particular grudge against him, more so than against the other, equally boring one, but that I was in his lap and thus in a more convenient position to chew his. And then, of all the indignities, he actually tapped me on the nose. Yes, on the nose. How dare he! I was, after all, a cat, and thus entitled to the utmost respect. I sniffed and growled a chastising little growl, which in itself should have been enough to bring him to apologize profusely, but he then proceeded to ignore me! And they went on and on talking in the language of boredom and two-leggers. I was left speechless with righteous indignation. With my usual observation, I noticed that the conversation was becoming more and more heated and began to listen with slightly more interest; the only time when these two-leggers were interesting, when they weren’t bearing food, was when they showed extreme emotion.
Whereupon I received the greatest shock of my life. I was unceremoniously dumped upon the floor! As if I was no more than a fish-head to be thrown out when the meal is over! I ASK YOU! What sort of treatment is that? And on top of all that, I landed on my nose, the previously tapped and now very sore part of my lovely body! Of all the cheek! I got up and stalked away with insulted dignity in every quivering part of my body, refusing to waste even the most miniscule part of my attention upon those two—two—two-leggers!!!!!
Hehehe, end of story.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I was walking happily down a street, my arms loaded with books from a nice cheery visit to a library, when all of a sudden a flaming red cat with green eyes careened around the corner and barreled into me, all the time screeching his lungs out. I screeched too and went down, scattering books, papers, library card and all into the fairly muddy street. The cat, after staring at me amusedly from his mocking green eyes, sauntered up to the roof of a nearby house and cheekily purred at me! He sounded as if he was laughing at me. Grr… Furthermore, he stared at me unblinkingly while I went through the long, muddy, and humiliating process of picking up my scattered possessions. He even watched me as I stalked off down the street with the few, if any, vestiges of my dignity and looking about as dignified as a lobster in a coffee pot.

The nerve!

P.S. Nice lyrics! I was kidding! I was kidding....*torn apart by angry mob*